Picking up from the previous episode, Rick answers a series of telephone calls while in the prison's boiler room. The first caller (Amy) claims to be in a safe place and promises to call back soon. Later, a man (Jim) rings and Rick pleads for refuge for his group; the man asks for justification for Rick's killing of other people, and then cuts the conversation when Rick refuses to explain his wife's death. Hershel listens to the handset and hears static on the line. Later, a third call (from Jacqui) draws confessions and justifications from Rick about his refusal to speak of his wife's death, and the caller mentions his name, causing Rick to question her about her knowledge before she hangs up. But the fourth caller he recognizes as his dead wife, Lori. All of the callers died in the first season, except for Lori. Realizing that he has to get a grip on himself and face reality, Rick cleans up to see his newborn daughter.
At Woodbury, Andrea volunteers for sentry duty and is assigned to train with the bow and arrow under the supervision of Haley, an archer. But when a walker approaches and the woman's two arrows fail to stop him, Andrea breaks the rules by jumping down from the wall to enthusiastically kill the walker with a knife. Chastised by Haley for breaking the rules and for reveling in the kills, Andrea is then called before the Governor. She confesses that she did enjoy the fights of the previous evening, after criticizing them before, and she and the Governor grow closer and have sex.
Meanwhile, Merle has been sent with three others to hunt Michonne. She ambushes the party, kills two of them, and gets shot in the leg by Merle while fleeing into the forest. Left with only an inexperienced zombie-fighter named Gargulio, Merle continues the pursuit. Their next fight with her is interrupted by walkers, and both Michonne and Merle are pinned down. Michonne slices at a walker, spilling its entrails on her, while Merle is saved by Gargulio. Seeing that Michonne has escaped again and is heading for the dangerous Red Zone, Merle calls off the hunt. When Gargulio refuses to lie to the Governor about having killed Michonne, Merle kills him.
Glenn and Maggie are on a scavenging run for baby food and other supplies, when they are approached from opposite directions by Michonne and Merle. Tired, wounded, and uncertain, Michonne hides and watches as Merle confronts Glenn and Maggie. At first Merle appears relaxed, asking about his brother Daryl, but he then takes Maggie hostage and forces Glenn to drive them to Woodbury. When they arrive, Merle claims to the Governor that Michonne is dead, although the Governor notices that Merle has neither her head nor her sword as proof. The Governor and Merle plan to interrogate Glenn and Maggie in order to obtain their group's location. Michonne, who has discovered that "wearing" walker blood and innards allows her to pass among them unnoticed, arrives at the prison, where she is spotted by Rick.
Meanwhile, Daryl is clearing out an area of the prison with Oscar and Carl, when he finds Carol's knife lodged in a walker's neck. After much agonizing over what is behind the last door, Daryl opens it to find Carol alive and exhausted.
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